Jan van der Hout

Quantum Response therapeut & Orthmoleculairevoedingstherapeut. Quantum Response bestaat al ruim 100 jaar en wordt gebruikt voor het analyseren van een energetische dis-balans achter een ongewenste situatie of ziekte alsook het herstellen van het energetisch veld naar een optimale balans zodat het lichaam (organisme) zich kan herstellen door aanspraak te maken op het zelfhelend vermogen. Onder Orthomoleculaire geneeskunde verstaan we een gezondheidszorgsysteem, waarbij lichaamseigen stoffen in optimale hoeveelheden worden benut, om zodoende de voorwaarden voor zelfgenezing te vergroten.

Most commented posts

  1. Nutritional Value Of These 7 Key Fruits — 8 comments
  2. Detox Diets — 3 comments
  3. Four Tips for Getting Your Kids to Eat More Fruit — 3 comments
  4. The 4 Best Types of Foods for Heart Health — 3 comments
  5. Apple Health Info — 2 comments

Author's posts

5 Thіngѕ You Must Knоw Before Running A Marathon

Here are 5 Thіngѕ You Must Knоw Before Running A Marathon. By William Milton. 1. Prореr preparation рrеvеntѕ poor performance Onе оf thе biggest mіѕtаkеѕ you саn make before running a marathon іѕ to аѕѕumе that ‘it’ll bе аlrіght on thе dау’; ‘Thе сrоwd аnd adrenalin wіll gеt mе round’; ‘How hard can іt be tо run …

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Permanent link to this article: http://rotation.eu/nl/en/before-running-a-marathon/

Pharmacy in Vegetables

Pharmacy in Vegetables Pharmacy in Vegetables: Today the science behind the health benefits of vegetables is growing rapidly. Researchers have discovered that in addition to nutrients, vitamins and minerals, vegetables contain a various group of natural biologically active plant substances, so-called phytonutrients or phytochemicals, which plants produce to protect themselves against stress. Health experts believe …

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Permanent link to this article: http://rotation.eu/nl/en/pharmacy-vegetables/

Nutrition for Kids

Nutrition for Kids: Kids Are Eating Too Much Fast Food; How Juice Plus+ Can Help By Sara Lovelady New numbers were just released detailing the role that fast food plays in children’s diets in the United States — and it’s not pretty. According to data collected about nutrition for kids as part of the National Health …

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Permanent link to this article: http://rotation.eu/nl/en/nutrition-for-kids/

The balanced diet approach to life

The balanced diet approach to life: A new way to think about work-life balance   by Sarah Lovelady   The balanced diet approach to life. A lot has been written about the balance between work and personal life. Typically we see this concept portrayed graphically as a seesaw, literally balancing work on one side and life on …

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Permanent link to this article: http://rotation.eu/nl/en/balanced-diet-approach-life/

Proper Marathon Nutrition

Proper Marathon Nutrition

Proper Marathon Nutrition Proper Marathon Nutrition I share this story about Dave O’Brien, written by Jackie Richardson, because Dave is a huge inspiration to me. Not because I want to go running but the passion and perseverance of Dave. Dave shows me that no matter what you want to achieve in your life, with the right …

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Permanent link to this article: http://rotation.eu/nl/en/proper-marathon-nutrition/

Apple Health Info

Apple Health Info Crazy Facts About The Fruit Everyone’s heard about an apple a day. As one of the most popular fruits in America, it’s easy to get people eating these fiber-rich, crisp and juicy fruits. And that’s a good thing for health: A diet rich in apples has been associated with a host of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://rotation.eu/nl/en/apple-health-info/

NSF Certification

Juice Plus+ Orchard and Garden Blend capsules, Juice Plus+ Vineyard Blend capsules and Juice Plus+ Complete drink mix have earned the product quality “seal of approval” from NSF International, “the Public Health and Safety Company.” NSF is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to product and ingredient safety. They provide peace of mind to both consumers and industry through their various product certification and …

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Permanent link to this article: http://rotation.eu/nl/en/nsf-certification/

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