Apple Health Info

Apple Health Info

Crazy Facts About The FruitEat an apple

Everyone’s heard about an apple a day. As one of the most popular fruits in America, it’s easy to get people eating these fiber-rich, crisp and juicy fruits. And that’s a good thing for health: A diet rich in apples has been associated with a host of health benefits, including weight loss, improved lung function, lower risk of stroke, cancer and heart disease.

But just because the humble apple is ubiquitous doesn’t mean it’s without some mystery as well. Read on to learn more about the fruit you’ve been eating for, well, ever.

Apple Allergies Are Pollen Allergies 

When we think about food allergies, we’re much more likely to picture peanuts, shellfish or even eggs. But mild apple allergies are not uncommon. Of note, experts believe that it’s the birch pollen that’s commonly found on the surface of a raw apple that causes a reaction, rather than a compound found inside the fruit.

Apples Are A True Diet Food

The high water and fiber content of apples mean that you’ll feel full longer, despite few (about 95) calories in each one. But apples give you an extra, fat-blasting advantage: A compound in the peel called ursolic acid has been shown to help increase brown fat in mice and, in a separate study, was found to increase calorie burn and reduce obesity risk in mice.

Apples Are DiverseAppels-522x391

The apple is the most diverse food plant in the world. According to food journalist
and apple expert Rowan Jacobsen, there used to be 16,000 types of apples in the U.S. alone. A current review of USDA data puts the variety diversity at 2,450 types.

Protect Against Metabolic Syndrome

People who eat apples may be less likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms linked to an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. Joyce Hendley reported in EatingWellMagazine that researchers who analyzed National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES) data, a survey of eating and health habits, found that people who had eaten apples in any form over the past day were 27 percent less likely to have symptoms of metabolic syndrome than those who didn’t. The apple eaters also had lower levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation whose presence in the blood suggests an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes.

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