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Quantum Response

What is Quantum Response?

Quantum Response (formerly known as Radionics) is a method that deals with the subject “morphogenetic fields” and “subtle energies”. The term “subtle energies” in this context is aimed to those forms of energy not directly objective (physical) can be measured because these signals are of very low amplitude. Compare this for example with a tone, when this tone gets higher, at some point, he will no longer be detectable by our senses and even no more objective. Exists the tone therefore no longer?

Over the years a number subjective test methods are developed to get information from these fields. For instance radiesthesia, kinesiology, RAC, Felectro-acupuncture etc.

Nowadays Quantum Response also is called instrumental bio-communication, communication with the morphogenetic field by means of instruments.

Quantum Response already exists more than 100 years and is used for analyzing off a energy dis-balance behind an undesirable condition or disease and restoring the energy field to an optimal balance so the body(organism) can recover by claiming the self healing power.

Quantum ResponseQuantum Response sees all organisms, organs, diseases as well as healing plants such as homeopathy or even colors as if they have their own specific frequency and vibration. These factors are expressed in numerical values which we, within the Quantum Response, know as “rates”. The by Rotation used Quantum Response instruments are designed to work with these “rates”. These instruments also offer the ability to store and use frequencies for analysis and therapy.

With quantum Response, it is possible to restore the natural balance and to promote health of humans, animals and plants anywhere in the world without the addition of material resources.

How does it work, an quantum response treatment?

Everyone is unique and requires yet another combination of giving healing components. Therefore you personally, a lock of hair, a drop of blood or saliva will be scanned and analyzed.

This will find the imbalances and the associated healing giving components. These are combined in a specific remedy for you and your symptoms.

The remedy may include among others:
A number of homeopathic remedies
The energetic value of gemstones
Color and sound frequencies
Flower and plant essences
Etc.. etc.

The analysis also looks at the intensity and duration of treatment.

You will also receive a special diet for the duration of the treatment.

Combination balancing

We can perform a balancing only for you as a person but also the environment, relationships and / or family in which you live. You are 24 hours a day exposed to an incredible amount of information from your immediate surroundings. At the same time you also influence your surroundings, who you are, what you feel and do. By balancing the two creates a unique opportunity for you and your environment back into harmony and balance.

A combined balancing can be performed for:

  1. balancing a family. Here we look at imbalances between you and your family.
  2. a balancing of your environment. Here we look at imbalances such as geopathic load, e-smog, radiation, E-numbers and so on.
  3. You and your pets and / or plants.
  4. And so on.

There are many combinations to think of that can be balanced.
It is for instance, it is even possible to have your water balanced and thus energize.


An initial analysis will cost € 75.00.
A subsequent analysis will cost € 60.00
Treatment (with a duration of 4 to 12 weeks) is € 17.50 a week (including support by phone)
Analysis and treatment can be started by a consultation by phone and returning the completed application form and a lock of hair or by making an appointment for a personal consult.

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