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Orthomolecular Medicine

What is Orthomolecular Medicine?
Orthomolecular medicine is defined as a health care system, where optimal amounts of body chemicals are used, to optimize conditions for self healing.
The word Orthomolecular was introduced in 1968 by two-time Nobel prizewinner Linus Pauling Ph.D., in the journal Science. Comes from the Greek orthos, meaning correct, right or healthy.
The amount of the substances given, plays an important role. A dose high enough to initiate repair processes, called orthomolecular doses. It is obvious that recovery, even with an orthomolecular dose, still remains dependent on the individual situation of a patient who basically depend on factors including the following:
* Duration and severity of the condition:
* The strength of hereditary factors:
* The degree of influence of environmental and lifestyle factors.

Is pretty also good?
I eat good and varied, I do not need extra nutritional supplements? It is often remarked when dietary supplements are discussed. Yet research, using Radionics, Regularly test a shortage exists of certain vitamins and minerals. It is also true that a good varied diet is the basis for good health. A dietary supplement can not replace good varied diet. But the problem is that in real life the situation is not so ideal.
Manufacturers let us believe that their are highly refined light products, low in cholesterol, rich in multiple fatty acids, high in fiber, etc. All of these highly processed, refined products, which we find in the supermarket, may perhaps have given a nice entitlement, the aspect of health is not really top of the priority list of manufacturers. Attractive to consumers is number one. Artificial colorants, flavors, etc. have clearly a function. To the attractiveness of the product, everything is made subject. Especially the nutritional value of the product. After all, the product must be sold. Health is now removed from the products. Because this is increasingly brought out by the media, manufacturers add the lost health again in a synthetic form. This is not the form of “health” that our bodies need.

The depletion of our food starts on the fields. Fertilizer consists almost entirely of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. It is therefore not surprising that the land is poor in selenium, zinc, chromium, manganese, just to name a few minerals. These substances are essential to our health. Our cows must graze on these impoverished lands. It’s not only at the expense of the health of the animals themselves, but also has consequences for the quality of milk and meat. And let us not forget the unbridled use of antibiotics, hormones and tranquilizers.

Besides the fact that our foods are often stripped of vitamins and minerals, are also particularly toxic pesticides a major concern. The Radionics test show an increasing toxic load present. This way can the excess consumption of raw vegetables explain a toxic burden. Our fruits and vegetables contain a lot of the herbicides, pesticides etc. The materials with which weeds, fungi, parasites, etc. be slain are not beneficial to our health. It is therefore not surprising that the government has established maximum allowable quantities for these substances. It does not take into account that the use of these substances together, at a given moment, will be a very high burden for our health. They also help to create free radicals.

Free radicals are highly reactive particles that can react with anything in their immediate surrounding, this may be enzymes or cell membrane molecules, or even genetic material, DNA. The free radicals destroy these molecules, causing the cell as a whole not function optimally. This works in hand disease and aging. It is established that wrinkles are the result of free radical reactions with skin proteins. In diseases such as geriatric diabetes, arthritis, complications of diabetes, arteriosclerosis and even cancer, free radicals play a role. This Is why they should not be formed.

Fighting or neutralizing is done by the so called free radical catchers (also called antioxidants). Such as beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and the mineral selenium. Refined empty food and the ability to protect us from toxic substances with vitamins and minerals are two reasons for using nutritional supplements.

A third argument is that our lifestyle has changed dramatically in recent years: for example the arrival of computers, fax, telephone, satellite, fast cars, etc. All these factors make our life takes place at an accelerated pace. Our whole life adapts, our house with all electric appliances (DECT phones, WiFi computers, microwaves), our lifestyles, our diet, etc.

But our bodies will be picking up the tab. Our body is subject to the biological laws of nature and can, influence by the evolution, change very slow. The body must keep up with this fast and hectic time. But the body needs time to adjust.


The orthomolecular principles in creating an optimal internal environment, both cellular and at body level,provides important advantages compared to treatment with non-biological substances. Foreign Body pharmaca, which the over millions of years of evolution developed and tested normal metabolic processes trying to correct are often associated with as we know unwanted side effects. How big this problem is illustrated by the fact that in the Netherlands alone estimated, acc. a study of Tempelaar annually 45,000 to 60,000 people hospitalized due to side effects of medications. Orthomolecular preparations, by which the natural biochemical balance of the body is being restored, are when properly applied remarkably free of harmful side effects. Illustrative of the broad scope of orthomolecular micro nutrients is the fact that nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene and selenium are found to be useful to prevent cancer but are also in the fight against cardiovascular disease of great significance. Orthomolecular preparations are therefore increasingly seen as a logical, safe and effective alternative to non-biological, foreign, medicine.

Balanced diet:

Often, our diet is not optimal and the metabolism becomes overloaded, that’s why I shall give nutritional advice, if necessary. A simple balanced diet can help to develop the recovery process.

Special circumstances that may increase the need for nutrients are:

  1. Pregnancy/lactation increases the need for certain vitamins and minerals, to be able to feed the baby.

  2. Smokers have an increased need for vitamin C and may benefit from additional intake of beta carotene and vitamin E.

  3. Alcohol robs the body of B complex vitamins and uses extra zinc in digestion.

  4. Drugs such as diuretics and some blood regulators,reduce the amount of potassium and folic acid in the body, contraceptive users may have reduced blood levels of vitamins A, D and K, aspirin use may increase iron requirements.

  5. The absorption of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium decreases during the aging process.

It is also possible that a food intolerance or allergy exists. Testing different foods and food additives using the Radionics test is very useful. Because in most of the radionic vitamin/mineral tests showed that a large proportion of the population has a surplus of vitamin/minerals, we believe that isolated and mostly synthetic vitamins/minerals should only be swallowed prescribed by a specialist. NEVER, on their own initiative. Vitamins/minerals are best be gained from whole food (fruits and vegetables). See the website of JuicePlus+.

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