
Many people today are concerned with their health. We are becoming more aware that we, with better health, more enjoy life, because everyone wants to feel fine, look good and do nice things. And everyone is trying to achieve this better health in a different way.

Did you know that there is a direct link between diet and health?

Probably. Healthy diet stimulates growth, breaks harmful substances in the body and strengthens the immune system. This reduces the chance of getting lifestyle diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes) decreased tremendously. It is energetic, you will feel better and look better.

The importance of fruits and vegetables!

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is essential as a base for good nutrition and good health. A diet with a large variety of fresh fruit and vegetables provides you with many nutrients that you need in order to contribute to a long-term good health. Many people suspect this and this is now supported by scientific research.

Learn more?

Several studies show that too few people eat fruit and vegetables. Regular, also near you, lectures are given about the importance of fruits and vegetables. During these lectures we shall tell: how our health is affected by all kinds of harmful external influences, what can be done to improve health, the importance of a varied diet, the benefits of fruits and vegetables. The lectures take 60 to 90 minutes, are very instructive, often free of charge and without obligation. The lectures are given on various days and times (day and evening). Also, lectures are given on site. If you want to attend a lecture or you want one organized on your location, you can sign up HERE.

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