This Is How Much Weight I Lost After Drinking 2 Glasses of Water Before Every Meal for 2 Straight Weeks

This Is How Much I Lost After Drinking 2 Glasses of Before Every Meal for 2 Straight Weeks

When it comes to weight-loss tips, “drink more water” isn’t exactly earth-shattering. But even though most of us have probably heard the advice about a million times, almost zero research has been conducted to find out whether this crazy-simple trick actually works…until now.

Earlier this year, a team of British researchers asked overweight adults to start eating a reduced-calorie diet and “preload” each meal with 16 ounces (+/- 475 ml) of water 30 minutes before they ate to see if drinking extra water would bolster their efforts. And it did! After 12 weeks, the preloaders lost nearly three pounds (1.36 kg) more than the folks who followed the reduced-calorie diet alone. As you might have guessed, the researchers chalked up the participants’ success to the fact that water made them feel full, which made them eat less.

I don’t know about you, but I kind of hate diets. I can’t deal with counting calories. Actively trying to trim my portions or cut back on dessert usually just makes me want to eat more. That got me thinking: What would happen if I tried chugging water without making any other changes to my diet? Would I eat less without feeling deprived? Would I lose weight? Or would I just be running to the bathroom every 20 minutes? 

Before getting started, I convinced my generous editors to buy me a sweet digital scale since—after all, this was in the name of science. On the first morning of the experiment, I stepped on. My dog tried to step on too, which seriously threw off the numbers. After nudging her off with my foot, the screen read 125.7.

For two weeks, I diligently drank 16 ounces of water before almost every meal. (Whenever my husband saw me drinking my water, he’d say, “So, I guess we’re eating in a half hour?” Funny guy.) There were a few occasions when it seemed totally impractical, like when I went out to dinner. Given the fact that you usually have to wait to be seated and again for your meal to arrive, it would’ve been tough to time my preload precisely 30 minutes before digging in. So instead, I just preloaded before I left the house. But either way, I didn’t notice much of a difference in how full I felt while eating.


Do you want to lose weight in a responsible manner, please have a look at: transform30

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